We Manage Your House So You Can Enjoy More Free Time

We use our fully-insured, vetted network of service providers to keep your home looking its best.
  • Your TotalCare service begins with a visit from your Account Manager who will conduct a full inspection and analysis of your home’s operating systems, as well as all interior and exterior maintenance and repair needs. During this initial review, we will invite select service providers to your home to begin the estimating process.
  • Shortly after this initial review, your Account Manager will present the estimates, and your home maintenance plan, containing all your selected home and property maintenance and special projects.
  • TotalCare’s proprietary tracking technology allows us to maintain accurate and up-to-date records for all the work we have done in and outside your home.
  • TotalCare will schedule the work approved in your home maintenance plan at a time convenient for you. We will also supervise projects to ensure the work is completed correctly and on time.
  • From time to time, you might encounter problems that require emergency service. As a preferred customer in our network, you will receive a speedy response from the appropriate service provider.
  • Finally, we will even pay the bills for you. You receive one monthly statement for all services performed by our service providers and pay us one monthly payment. We will make sure they are paid timely and accurately.

All of this at competitive prices from the very best and fully insured local service providers around.

Want to Learn More?

Contact us today to learn how we can save you money and remove the hassle of maintaining your home.


Choose The Plan That's Best For You

We offer three different plans to engage our services depending on your needs.

TC Complete

Starting at $333/mo. annual membership

Full Home Management Program

Our signature service takes care of the everyday management of your home maintenance.  We proactively schedule maintenance services while also offering repair, renovations, and 24/7 emergency services.

TC Watch


Ideal for Vacation Homes & “Snowbirds”

TC will check on your home alerting you to any issues, and will provide services and solutions as needed. 24/7 emergency services available.

TC Project

Home Improvement Projects

Let TC’s expertise and proven network of service providers get your home improvement project done well, cost effectively, and on a timely basis.